Laerskool Die Poort goes green

Enthusiastic pupils at Laerskool Die Poort filed onto the playing fields recently, in anticipation of receiving their very own tree to plant. This event was part of the “Save our Planet – Plant a Tree” project sponsored by The Success Academy and Willow Feather Farm. The initiative was first launched a year ago to create awareness among school children of the importance of reducing the earth’s carbon footprint.

Charl du Toit, CEO of The Success Academy and his team gave away 840 trees, so that the pupils, together with their parents, could plant and care for them while they mature.

During his speech, Charl encouraged everyone to build a relationship with their trees; “Even give it a name,” he said. “Feed it and make it your friend and part of your family. After all, it will be with you for the rest of your life.”

He went on to point out that years ago people were inclined to chop trees indiscriminately without realising how damaging it was to the environment. The planet is suffering as a result and it is up to this generation to make good the damage of the past.

To date Charl has visited ten schools and given away 17 800 trees. “But it’s not just a case of handing over a tree. Children are naturally curious and they need to know the reason for keeping a tree alive. Our aim is to expose them to the many advantages of living among trees. Once they grasp the importance, the connection with nature motivates them to take responsibility. These young environmental ambassadors have already started establishing a healthier and safer future for generations to come,” he said.

‘Save our Planet – Plant a Tree’ is an ongoing project and Charl is staying true to his pledge of donating 150 000 trees over the next five years.

Another one of Charl’s initiatives is involving his tenants at The Success Academy’s office park in Highveld Technopark, Centurion who have rallied behind the company’s paper recycling project that also falls within the “Save our Planet – Plant a Tree” project.

Over a period of six months 10.1 tons of waste paper has been recycled. The proceeds generated from the sale have translated into 60 trees. These can now be seen growing on a vacant stand close to the office park for all the tenants to see.

The success of the campaign has exceeded Charl’s expectations. “This is a clear indication that more and more people are becoming environmentally aware and are keen to participate in initiatives that will benefit the ecology.”


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